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HS801 Nimrod MR1- Centre & Ordnance Areas.

Top Left - The Dinette Area.

Middle Left - The Galley.

Top Middle - Behind the rear entrance doors in the furthest aft section of the cabin is fitted a 44 Short life marine marker 'safe'. The markers can be discharged through the Retro Launcher shown to its right with a
muzzle velocity equal to the forward speed of the aircraft thus giving a vertical fall below the aircraft.
Under the floor in front of the Retro Launcher are two bays for two
F135 & one F126 Cameras.

Bottom - 2 Rotary & 2 Single Sonobuoy Launchers are fitted. Not shown but usually fitted are two operator seats. The Sonobuoy Racks (If a full complement of racks are fitted they can carry between 96 to 108
These can be reduced on one side of the aircraft to provide seating.

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