The Story of Flight
Hello my name is Bert,
I've been named after one of the greatest aviators in history Bert John Louis Hinkler AFC, DSM, better known as Bert Hinkler, he was a pioneer Australian aviator and inventor associated with AVRO.
Bert Hinkler designed and built early aircraft before being the first person to fly solo from England to Australia in an Avro Avian. His photograph is on the wall in the Test Pilots Gallery. Can you see him? You can also read his full Avro story on the Test Pilot Lectern.
Don't forget to look out for me around the Museum when I pop up to let you know some interesting facts and stories.
This is my story,
"Bert's story of the Principles of Flight"
Try blowing over a piece of paper, then follow my story on the next three boards, afterwards have a go on the flight simulator, a colleague of the museum will help you join me in the skies!!