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Miscellaneous Projects undertaken at Woodford 125 & 146

(Colour Photographs Top Middle & Bottom Right)
Initially built as a HS146-100 in 1981 and converted to the HS146-300 prototype G-LUXE in 1987.
After finishing its last test flight on 6th June 2000 and a period of storage at Woodford it began its conversion into an ARA (Atmospheric Research Aircraft) in July 2001. It was rolled out on 18th August 2003 and First Flew as such1st November 2003. After a series of calibrations tests & flights, it was handed over at Cranfield on 10th May 2004 as the Facility for Airborne Atmospheric Measurements (FAAM).

(Colour Photographs Top & Bottom Left)
125 G-BLUW arrived Woodford 17th April 1985 for mods to represent the Sea Harrier Cockpit Mid Life Update. Below: The finished aircraft ZF130 complete with wing pylon weapons before its First Flight on 20th May 1988.

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