Buccaneer S2B (1)
Buccaneer Avionics Upgrade Programme (ASR.1012)
An Avionics Update Programme (AUP) for the Buccaneer aircraft was awarded to British Aerospace and the work undertaken at Woodford. There were two Development aircraft, the first arrived at Woodford on 23rd April 1985 for initial ground trials prior to the installation of the modifications to bring the aircraft to the required standard. After further ground trials the aircraft was updated with the Upgraded Avionics System (Mod 1800) and then commenced flight trials.
The second development aircraft was converted at the Brough Factory near Hull and on completion was delivered to Woodford on the 6th August 1985 for Systems Development. A third Development aircraft joined the program the next month followed during 1986-89 by 42 Buccaneer aircraft for modified at Woodford. The programme allowing the aircraft to be the launch platforms for both Sea Eagle Anti-Ship Missile system, AIM-9G & AIM-9L 'Air-to-Air' missile capability and included the addition of Tracor AN/ALE-40 'Chaff/Flare' dispensers.
(3Nr Colour Photograps) - Showing Buccaneers receiving Avionic Upgrades at Woodford.